If you need someone to only play music at your wedding please call someone else…

For those that don’t see what is happening behind the scenes during a wedding let me tell you there are millions little things that you must do to be in the wedding industry.?If you think that I just play music at the wedding you are really quite mistaken. There are countless hours upon hours of hard work that goes into the planning of A wedding between me, the client and the venue. If it looks seamlessly than either the DJ is ready for anything or he got lucky.

This is what happens when the DJ isn’t ready!!! =====> DJ RUINS FIRST DANCE

There is a way and flow to an evening that should almost be transparent and not have to be pushed. Some weddings need interludes and some don’t. It all depends.

If you have a wedding where the crowd is going to be dry then you will need to pull out the stops more so than a wedding where the crowd will want to dance from the start of the entrance to the end.

It’s important to know what you are working with… If you think your crowd will roll with anything DON’T DO ANYTHING TO STOP THAT!

The whole point of the reception is to get people going. So if they are already dancing don’t mess with it!! Harness it. So that means don’t have a speech setup for when people are already dancing!


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If your crowd is bored and falling asleep yet not into dancing throughout the meal then plan something that will warm them out. That being said don’t annoy them with anything but figure something that will work and get them up and moving.

Different age groups regard entertainment differently. There is a fine line between entertaining the crowd and being a used car salesman annoying people.


We do need used car salesman in life… just not at a wedding

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DJ Shane Oliveira



  • johnny dit :

    Funny you are writing this i’ve gotten 2 request one about a month ago and the second just a couple days ago.
    The first one asking for me to play the songs they want nothing else,
    my question to her was … thats ok but what if someone ask for a great song and it s not on the list …
    Reply you dont play whats not on my list

    the second request was a playlist very specific and in the correct order as they want it’s a DO NOT DIVIATE list

    Shit i feel like an Ipod obviously i refused those cause if there are potential clients there and they don’t have fun they for sure wont call me and the worst case is the potential clients that want me there do not want me to say to anyone that its a list supplyed by the clients

    anyway this was a good blog and thank you for the as usual great info

    • admin dit :

      Different strokes for different folks I guess. A wedding is an ever evolving thing that cannot be controlled like that. You never know what will work the day before.

      Go with logic and if a wedding seems like a disaster when you meet the clients there is nothing wrong with saying « I don’t think I’m what you are looking for. » Honesty is the best policy in that case.

  • Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything. i devoted my life to music.

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