Make em’ laugh or make em’ cry

By août 9, 2012how to, montreal, Speech, wedding

I have heard at least 1,000 speeches.

Some great ones, some horrible ones.

The secret is quite simple.

A great speech comes from the heart and doesn’t need a long dragged out story of some escapade just the facts and then the conclusion. People like having a conclusion to any story or speech so end it like a disney movie would.

People have ?so many distractions at a wedding so captivate your audience with something more than an inside joke that you and 3 other people know about. To you it may seem funny for everyone else they are just hoping you end your speech soon.

If you have a 5 minute speech you are going to put everyone to sleep if it isn’t really funny… Really funny, like Don Rickles?funny.

So that being said, you better rock the room with a punchline or story that will make people cry or laugh.

Some of the best speeches I have heard have a great twist or a great punchline to the story that make the bride & groom have a good laugh or cry. If the people mean something to you take the time and consult a professional that can speak to help you with your speech. As well online is a great resource so take the time and find where you wanna go with the speech and follow through.


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Ohh yeah don’t get too drunk either (VIEW VIDEO)

Peace & Love

DJ Shane Oliveira






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